EMPEA Members Meeting: ASEAN Perspectives on ESG
22 April | 12 Marina Boulevard25th Floor, Tower 3Marina Bay Financial Centre | Singapore
Ahead of the EMPEA ESG Community meeting in Washington, DC in May as part of the Global Private Equity Conference, a brainstorming session here to review the work being undertaken globally and to get input from an ASEAN perspective
Topics to be covered:
- Are GPs are using the SDGs a a benchmark, and, if so what challenges they are facing is so doing
- If developing a common ESG reporting template acceptable by all (many?) GPs and LPs should be a priority for EMPEA
- Should there be a common ESG measurement template which can focus on outcomes beyond outputs
There are 4 Working Groups within the ESG Community:
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Governance
- Gender Parity Acceleration
- ESG Reporting & Transparency
22 April | 12 Marina Boulevard25th Floor, Tower 3Marina Bay Financial Centre | Singapore