Module 8: Reality vs Perception: Understanding and Managing Risk in Emerging Markets Private Equity

The LP Education Webcast Series is presented with the generous underwriting support of EMPEA Leadership Circle Members, Denham Capital, Siguler Guff and The Abraaj Group.

Key topics to be discussed include:

  • What is the current emerging markets private equity landscape and how is this being impacted by social, economic or political shifts?
  • How would you characterize the risks associated with investing in emerging markets and how can these particular risks be effectively managed?
  • What are the most effective ways to communicate the EM PE opportunity to investors who have had no exposure to the asset class, or to those whose EM PE portfolios have underperformed?
  • How can investors ensure they have the best information when evaluating a market, strategy or fund manager?

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Speakers include:

  • Scott Mackin, Managing Partners and Co-President, Denham Capital 
  • Vikram Raju, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley Alternative Investment Partners
  • Tom Speechley, Partner, The Abraaj Group
  • Robert Sturgeon, Senior Investment Manager, Export Development Canada
  • Moderator: Dr. Jerome Booth, Chief Executive, New Sparta and Author, Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World

The second edition of the LP Education Webcast Series is open to qualified institutional investors and DFIs only. All registrations subject to approval. Email to find out if your firm qualifies.