FY 2012 EM PE Industry Statistics

Emerging markets private equity fundraising continues to take a greater share of global commitments, accounting for 20% of all capital raised in 2012, up from 12% in 2007 and 5% in 2003.  According to EMPEA’s proprietary database of private equity activity, 161 emerging market funds raised US$40.3 billion in 2012, up slightly from the 148 funds that raised US$38.5 billion in 2011. An increase in capital commitments flowing to pan-emerging markets and Asia-focused regional funds helped to offset reduced interest in China- and India-dedicated vehicles, which saw capital raised drop by 35% and 24%, respectively.

On the investment side, private equity firms committed US$23.7 billion in disclosed value to emerging market companies through 819 deals, compared with US$26.9 billion through 876 deals the year prior. Capital invested in China fell 33% to US$7.1 billion, a five-year low, and capital invested in India fell 57% to US$2.7 billion, a seven-year low; however, Brazil and non-BRIC countries provided a strong counter to this trend as investment in Brazil increased 78% to US$4.4 billion and investment in non-BRIC countries increased 35% to US$8.3 billion.

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